Technical Reports

No. RT: DComp-TR-001/2014
Authors: Angelina V. S. Melaré, Sahudy Montenegro González, Katti Faceli
Title: Decision Support Systems and Technologies assisting the Solid Waste Management: A Systematic Review
Date: 12/2014
Abstract: Population growth jointly with the migration to urban areas and the industrial development have constructed a consumption relationship, which manufactured problems related to environment and social and economic issues. Concerning the environment, a critical concern is the lack of adequate control and administration of solid waste generated at urban centers. Among the challenges, we may identify the administration of appropriate collection, treatment and disposal, highlighting the sustainable administration, adopting the 3R concepts (Reduction, Reuse and Recycling). This technical report performs a Systematic Review, which investigates solutions employed by developed and developing countries, concerning the environmental issue of the Administration of Solid Waste, applying the Information and Communication Technology and Operational Research. Such solutions may be proposed utilizing projects or implementations, which revolve the field of Decision Support Systems. Among the selected publications, integrated technologies and systems are predominant, such as the Geographic Information Systems, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), Optimizing Methods (Fuzzy, Genetic Algorithms, Ant Colony, Tabu Search, Neural Networks, and Linear Programming) and Multicriteria Decision Analysis techniques (AHP, ANP, Electre).


No. RT: DComp-TR-002/2016
Authors: Katti Faceli, Tiemi C. Sakata
Title: Multiple solutions in cluster analysis: partitions x clusters
Date: 05/2016
Abstract: Techniques for obtaining multiple clustering solutions are essential to knowledge extraction in many fields, as they may offer different interpretations of the data. Some of the challenges in discovering multiple clustering solutions refers to obtaining solutions which contain highly differing and high quality clusters, flexibility of approaches regarding different cluster’s definitions and the need for benchmark data and a quality assessment methodology. In this paper, we tackle these challenges by (i) providing a methodology for evaluating a set of multiple clustering solutions with respect to domain knowledge available, considering the clusters themselves as solutions instead of the usual partitions; (ii) providing a benchmark for the proposed assessment methodology; (iii) investigating the suitability of techniques based on traditional clustering algorithms for the discovery of high quality clusters considering flexibility regarding different cluster’s definitions; and (iv) proposing a simple mechanism for extracting relevant clusters given a collection of partitions. Moreover, besides being used for clustering evaluation, we point out that the clusters themselves could be viewed as the multiple clustering solutions, with great benefits in several aspects of cluster analysis.


No. RT: DComp-TR-003/2016
Authors: Angelina V. S. Melaré, Sahudy Montenegro González, Katti Faceli
Title: AcheSeuEcoponto: aiding Brazilian cities in the proper disposal of solid waste
Date: 10/2016
Abstract: Population growth combined with industrial development and increasing consumption has caused several problems related to solid waste management, such as inadequate disposal. Due to global pressures and new policies such as the Brazilian Solid Waste National Policy, managers need to find solutions to reduce, reuse and recycle waste. Information and Communication Technologies and Geographical Information Systems are used worldwide in solutions for waste management. This work presents a system, called AcheSeuEcoponto, which aims to assist the population to properly allocate their solid residues. This tool was developed using Geo and Web technologies based on an architecture of four modules. The tool offers some functionalities to citizens, such as querying the nearest drop-off centre by residue type, map visualization and directions. The social network module allows us to disseminate the system, thus, the drop-off centres. In addition, the tool provides managers with strategic reports related to areas lacking of disposal points, the most popular points and the public profile. We answered questions that measure the scope of the system, the influence of Web technologies on the dissemination of AcheSeuEcoponto, and the public profile and their knowledge about disposal centres. For this purpose, we collected data using a questionnaire and a Web analytics service. Some results were expected, but the percentage of people who showed a lack of knowledge of drop-off centres was beyond expectations, highlighting the importance of research within the context of solid waste management.